Zhen-Gang Wang Publication List (2000-present)
- A. Glisman, S. Mantha, D. Yu, E. P. Wasserman, S. Backer, L. Reyes, Z.-G. Wang, “Binding Modes and Water-Mediation of Polyelectrolyte Adsorption to a Neutral CaCO3 Surface”, Langmuir 40, 25931−25939 (2024).
- T. Zhou, D. Bruch, Z.-G. Wang, “Image charge effects under metal and dielectric boundary conditions”, Phys. Rev. E 110, 044129 (2024).
- Y. Dai, Z.-G. Wang, R. N. Zare, “Unlocking the electrochemical functions of biomolecular condensates”, Nat Chem Biol 20, 1420–1433 (2024).
- D. Bruch, Z.-G. Wang, “A model for zwitterionic polymers and their capacitance applications”, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 104901 (2024).
- Y. Basdogan, D. R. Pollard, T. Shastry, M. R. Carbone, S. K. Kumar, Z.-G. Wang, “Machine learning-guided discovery of polymer membranes for CO2 separation with genetic algorithm”, Journal of Membrane Science 712, 123169 (2024).
- S. Lee, P. J. Walker, S. J. Velling, A. Chen, Z. W. Taylor, C. J. B. M. Fiori, V. Gandhi, Z.-G. Wang, and J. R. Greer, “Molecular control via dynamic bonding enables material responsiveness in additively manufactured metallo-polyelectrolytes”, Nat Commun 15, 6850 (2024).
- S. Varner, C. Balzer, and Z.-G. Wang, “A Jacobian-free pseudo-arclength continuation method for phase transitions in inhomogeneous thermodynamic systems”, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 064107 (2024).
- B. B. Ye, S. Chen, and Z.-G. Wang, “GCMe: Efficient Implementation of the Gaussian Core Model with Smeared Electrostatic Interactions for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Soft Matter Systems”, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 20 (15), 6870-6880 (2024).
- P. J. Walker, A. Riedemann, and Z.-G. Wang, “GCIdentifier.jl: A Julia package for identifying molecular fragments from SMILES”, Journal of Open Source Software 9, 96: 6453 (2024).
- S. Mantha, A. Glisman, D. Yu, E. P. Wasserman, S. Backer, and Z.-G. Wang, “Adsorption isotherm and mechanism of Ca2+ binding to polyelectrolyte”, Langmuir 40, 6212-6219 (2024).
- Y. Ruan, Y. Lu, L. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Multiple entanglements between two polymer chains: An analysis of primitive path based on Frenet trihedron”, Macromolecules 57, 2792-2800 (2024).
- A. J. Tsamopoulos and Z.-G. Wang, “Ion conductivity in salt-doped polymers: Combined effects of temperature and salt concentration”, ACS Macro Lett. 13, 322-327 (2024).
- A. Glisman, S. Mantha, D. Yu, E. P. Wasserman, S. Backer, and Z.-G. Wang, “Multivalent ion-mediated polyelectrolyte association and structure”, Macromolecules 57, 1941-1949 (2024).
- T. Shastry, Y. Basdogan, Z.-G. Wang, S. K. Kumar, and M. R. Carbone, “Machine learning-based discovery of molecular descriptors that control polymer gas permeation”, J. Membrane Sci. 697, 122563 (2024).
- S. Chen and Z.-G. Wang, “Charge asymmetry suppresses coarsening dynamics in polyelectrolyte complex coacervation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 218201 (2023) (Editor’s Suggestion).
- C. Balzer and Z.-G. Wang, “Electroresponse of weak polyelectrolyte brushes”, Eur. Phys. J. E 46, 82 (2023).
- R. Wang, V. V. Ginzburg, J. Jiang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Adsorption of a polyelectrolyte chain at dielectric surfaces: Effects of surface charge distribution and relative dielectric permittivity”, Macromolecules 56 (19), 7653-7662 (2023).
- S. Chen and Z.-G. Wang, “Using implicit-solvent potentials to extract water contributions to enthalpy–entropy compensation in biomolecular associations”, J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 6825-6832 (2023).
- K. D. Dorfman and Z.-G. Wang, “Liquid-like states in micelle-forming diblock copolymer melts”, ACS Macro Lett. 12, 980-985 (2023).
- S. Varner, C. Balzer, and Z.-G. Wang, “Entropic origin of ionic interactions in polar solvents”, J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 4328-4337 (2023).
- Z. Wang, Z.-G. Wang, A.-C. Shi, Y. Lu, and L. An, “Behaviors of a polymer chain in channels: From Zimm to Rouse dynamics”, Macromolecules 56, 2447-2453 (2023).
- P. Zhang, Z. Wang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Conformation transition of a homopolymer chain in binary mixed solvents”, Macromolecules 56, 153-165 (2023).
- S. Mantha, H. Chao, A. S. Ylitalo, T. C. Fitzgibbons, W. Zhou, V. V. Ginzburg, and Z.-G. Wang, “Surfactant in a polyol–CO2 mixture: Insights from a classical density functional theory study“, Langmuir 38, 16172-16182 (2022).
- S. Varner and Z.-G. Wang, “Effect of dilutions in ionic liquid supercapacitors“, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 27362-27374 (2022).
- A. Ghosh, Q. MacPherson, Z.-G. Wang, and A. J. Spakowitz, “Semiflexible polymer solutions. II. Fluctuations and Frank elastic constants“, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 154906 (2022).
- A. S. Ylitalo, H. Chao, P. J. Walker, J. Crosthwaite, T. C. Fitzgibbons, V. V. Ginzburg, W. Zhou, Z.-G. Wang, E. Di Maio, and J. Kornfield, “Competition between CO2-philicity and mixing entropy leads to CO2 solubility maximum in polyether polyols“, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61, 12835-12844 (2022).
- S. Chen and Z.-G. Wang, “Driving force and pathway in polyelectrolyte complex coacervation“, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 119, e2209975119 (2022).
- C. Balzer, P. Zhang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Wetting behavior of polyelectrolyte complex coacervates on solid surfaces“, Soft Matter 18, 6326-6339 (2022)
- P. Zhang and Z.-G. Wang, “Supernatant phase in polyelectrolyte complex coacervation: Cluster formation, binodal, and nucleation“, Macromolecules 55, 3910-3923 (2022).
- S. Chen, P. Zhang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Complexation between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes in dilute solution: Effects of charge asymmetry“, Macromolecules 55, 3898-3909 (2022).
- B. B. Ye and Z.-G. Wang, “A coarse-grained model of room-temperature ionic liquids between metal electrodes: A molecular dynamics study“, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24, 11573-11584 (2022).
- D. Bruch, C. Balzer, and Z.-G. Wang, “Thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions near charged surfaces: Constant surface charge vs constant surface potential“, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 174704 (2022).
- B. Mei, B. Zhuang, Y. Lu, L. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Local-average free volume correlates with dynamics in glass formers“, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 3957-3964 (2022).
- Z. Wang, R. Wang, Y. Lu, L. An, A.-C. Shi, and Z.-G. Wang, “Mechanisms of flow-induced polymer translocation“, Macromolecules 55, 3602-3612 (2022).
- A. Ylitalo, C. Balzer, P. Zhang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Electrostatic correlations and temperature-dependent dielectric constant can model LCST in polyelectrolyte complex coacervation“, Macromolecules 54, 11326-11337 (2021).
- Y. Xu and Z.-G. Wang, “Coil-to-globule transition in polymeric solvents“, Macromolecules 54, 10984-10993 (2021).
- P. Zhang and Z.-G. Wang, “Interfacial structure and tension of polyelectrolyte complex coacervates“, Macromolecules 54, 10994-11007 (2021).
- Y. Ruan, Y. Lu, L. An, and Z.-G. Wang,”Shear banding in entangled polymers: Stress plateau, banding location, and lever rule“, ACS Macro Lett. 10, 1517-1523 (2021).
- C. Balzer, L. Qing, and Z.-G. Wang, “Preferential ion adsorption in blue energy applications“, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9, 9230-9239 (2021).
- Z. Lian, H. Chao, and Z.-G. Wang, “Effects of confinement and ion adsorption in ionic liquid supercapacitors with nanoporous electrodes“, ACS Nano 15, 11724-11733 (2021).
- C. Balzer, J. Jiang, R. L. Marson, V. V. Ginzburg, and Z.-G. Wang, “Nonelectrostatic adsorption of polyelectrolytes and mediated interactions between solid surfaces“, Langmuir 37, 5483–5493 (2021).
- C. Y. Son and Z.-G. Wang, “Image-charge effects on ion adsorption near aqueous interfaces“, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
- B. Zhuang, G. Ramanauskaite, Z. Y. Koa, and Z.-G. Wang. “Like dissolves like: A first-principles theory for predicting liquid miscibility and mixture dielectric constant“, Science Advances 7, eabe7275 (2021).
- L. Qing, S. Zhao, and Z.-G. Wang, “Surface charge density in electrical double layer capacitors with nanoscale cathode–anode separation“, J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 625-636 (2021).
- M. Li, B. Zhuang, Y. Lu, L. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Salt-induced liquid-liquid phase separation: Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of water–acetonitrile–salt mixtures“, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 773-784 (2021).
- P. Zhang, N. M. Alsaifi, and Z.-G. Wang, “Revisiting the Θ point“, Macromolecules 53, 10409-10420 (2020).
- C. Y. Son and Z.-G. Wang, “Ion transport in small-molecule and polymer electrolytes“, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 100903 (2020).
- H. Chao and Z.-G. Wang, “Effect of surface transition and adsorption on ionic liquid capacitors“, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11, 1767-1772 (2020).
- A. K. Omar, Z.-G. Wang, and J. F. Brady, “Microscopic origins of the swim pressure and the anomalous surface tension of active matter“, Phys Rev. E 101, 012604 (2020).
- J. Jiang, V. V. Ginzburg, and Z.-G. Wang, “On the origin of oscillatory interactions between surfaces mediated by polyelectrolyte solution“, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 214901 (2019).
- B. Mei, Y. Lu, L. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Two-step relaxation and the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation in glass-forming liquids“, Phys. Rev. E 100, 052607 (2019).
- A. P. Steinberg, Z.-G. Wang, and R. F. Ismagilov, “Food polyelectrolytes compress the colonic mucus hydrogel by a Donnan mechanism“, Biomacromolecules 20, 2675-2683 (2019).
- Y. Ruan, Y. Lu, L. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Nonlinear rheological behaviors in polymer melts after step shear“, Macromolecules 52. 4103-4110 (2019).
- N. M. Alsaifi, M. Alkater, H. Binous, I. A. Aslani, Y. Alsunni, and Z.-G. Wang, “Nonphysical behavior in several statistical mechanically based equations of state“, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 58, 1382-1395 (2019).
- A. K. Omar, Y. Wu, Z.-G. Wang, and J. F. Brady, “Swimming to stability: Structural and dynamical control via active doping”, ACS Nano 13, 560-572 (2019).
- P. B. Rapp, A. K. Omar, B. R. Silverman, Z.-G. Wang, and D. A. Tirrell, “Mechanisms of diffusion in associative polymer networks: Evidence for chain hopping“, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 14185-14194 (2018).
- B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang, “Statistical field theory for dipolar fluids“, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 124108 (2018).
- P.-F. Zhang, K. Shen, N. M. Alsaifi, and Z.-G. Wang, “Salt partitioning in complex coacervation of symmetric polyelectrolytes“, Macromolecules 51, 5586-5593 (2018).
- P.-F. Zhang, Nayef M. Alsaifi, J. Wu, and Z.-G. Wang, “Polyelectrolyte complex coacervation: Effects of concentration asymmetry“, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 163303 (2018).
- J. Jiang, V. V. Ginzburg, and Z.-G. Wang, “Density functional theory for charged fluids“, Soft Matter 14, 5878-5887 (2018).
- M. A. Webb, U. Yamamoto, B. M. Savoie, Z.-G. Wang, and T. F. Miller III, “Globally suppressed dynamics in ion-doped polymers“, ACS Macro Lett 7, 734-738 (2018).
- J. Jiang and Z.-G. Wang, “Improved local lattice Monte Carlo simulation for charged systems“, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 114105 (2018) (Editor’s choice as featured article).
- K. Shen and Z.-G. Wang, “Polyelectrolyte chain structure and solution phase behavior“, Macromolecules 51, 1706-1717 (2018).
- Z.-G. Wang, “Polymer conformation—A pedagogical review“, Macromolecules 50, 9073-9114 (2017) (Invited perspective for the 50th anniversary of Macromolecules).
- A. K. Omar and Z.-G. Wang, “Shear-induced heterogeneity in associating polymer gels: Role of network structure and dilatancy“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 117801 (2017).
- P. P. Lin, J. N. Liu, Z. C. Zhao, Z.-G. Wang, and S.-Q. Wang” Origin of mechanical stress and rising internal energy during fast uniaxial extension of SBR melts“, Polymer 124, 68-77 (2017).
- M. Li, B. Zhuang, Y. Lu, Z.-G. Wang and L. An, “Accurate determination of ion polarizabilities in aqueous solutions“, J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 6416-6424 (2017).
- P. B. Rapp, A. K. Omar, J. J. Shen, M. E. Buck, Z.-G. Wang, and D. A. Tirrell, “Analysis and control of chain mobility in protein hydrogels“, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 3796-3804 (2017).
- K. Shen and Z.-G. Wang, “Electrostatic correlations and the polyelectrolyte self-energy“, J. Chem. Phys. 146, 084901 (2017).
- T. F. Miller, Z.-G. Wang, G. W. Coates, and N. P. Balsara, “Designing polymer electrolytes for safe and high capacity rechargeable lithium batteries“, Acc. Chem. Res. 50, 590-593 (2017) (Invited article for the special issue on “Holy Grails in Chemistry”).
- N. M. Alsaifi, I. A. Aslani, H. Binous, and Z.-G. Wang, “A priori determination of the region of the three physical volume root loci in the Perturbed-Chain SAFT EOS“, Fluid Phase Equilib. 434, 152-166 (2017).
- P.-F. Zhang, Nayef M. Alsaifi, J. Wu, and Z.-G. Wang, “Salting-out and salting-in of polyelectrolyte solutions: A liquid-state theory study“, Macromolecules 49, 9720-9730 (2016).
- B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang, “Molecularly based theory for electron transfer in solvent mixtures“, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 6373-6382 (2016).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Inhomogeneous screening near the dielectric interface“, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 134902 (2016).
- B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang, “A molecularly based theory for electron transfer reorganization energy“, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224502 (2016).
- B. Li, Z.-Y. Sun, L.-J. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “The scaling behavior of the second virial coefficient of linear and ring polymers“, Science China Chemistry 59, 619-623 (2016).
- C.-L. Ren, I. Nakamura, and Z.-G. Wang, “Effects of ion-induced crosslinking on the phase behavior in salt-doped polymer blends“, Macromolecules 49, 425-431 (2016).
- B. Li, Z.-Y. Sun, L.-J. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Influence of topology on the free energy and metric properties of an ideal ring polymer confined between a slit“, Macromolecules 48, 8675-8680 (2015).
- N. An, B. Zhuang, M. Li, Y. Lu and Z.-G. Wang, “Combined theoretical and experimental study of refractive indices of water–acetonitrile–salt systems“, J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 10701-10709 (2015).
- M. A. Webb, B. M. Savoie, Z.-G. Wang, and T. F. Miller III, “Chemically specific dynamic bond percolation model for ion transport in polymer electrolytes“, Macromolecules 48, 7346-7358 (2015).
- X. Xu, D. E. Cristancho, S. Costeaux, and Z.-G. Wang, “Density-functional theory for mixtures of AB random copolymer and CO2“, Macromolecules 48, 6035-6046 (2015).
- M. A. Webb, Y. Jung, D. M. Pesko, B. M. Savoie, U. Yamamoto, G. W. Coates, N. P. Balsara, Z.-G. Wang, and T. F. Miller III, “Systematic computational and experimental investigation of lithium-ion transport mechanisms in polyester-based polymer electrolytes“, ACS Cent. Sci. 1, 198-205 (2015).
- M. K. Sing, Z.-G. Wang, G. H. McKinley, B. D. Olsen, “Chain configuration and rate-dependent mechanical properties in transient networks“, Soft Matter 11, 2085-2096 (2015).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “On the theoretical description of weakly charged surfaces“, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 104705 (2015).
- S. Medina, J.J. Zhou, Z.-G. Wang, and F. Schmid, “An efficient dissipative particle dynamics-based algorithm for simulating electrolyte solutions“, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 024103 (2015).
- X. Xu, D. E. Cristancho, S. Costeaux, and Z.-G. Wang, “Nanoparticle solvation in polymer–CO2 mixtures“, J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 8002-8007 (2014).
- X. Wang, J. L. Thielen, A. A. Teran, M. Chintapalli, I. Nakamura, Z.-G. Wang, M. C. Newstein, N. P. Balsara, and B. A. Garetz, “Evolution of grain structure during disorder-to-order transitions in a block copolymer/salt mixture studied by depolarized light scattering“, Macromolecules 47, 5784-5792 (2014).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Theory of polymer chains in poor solvent: Single-chain structure, solution thermodynamics, and Θ point“, Macromolecules 47, 4094-4012 (2014).
- I. Nakamura and Z.-G. Wang, “Thermodynamics of Salt-Doped Block Copolymers”, ACS Macro Lett. 3, 8: 708–711 (2014).
- J. L. Thelen, A. A. Teran, X. Wang, B. A. Garetz, I. Nakamura, Z.-G. Wang, and N. P. Balsara, “Phase behavior of a block copolymer/salt mixture through the order-to-disorder transition“, Macromolecules 47, 2666-2673 (2014).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Continuous self-energy of ions at the dielectric interface“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 136101 (2014).
- X. Xu, C. L. Ting, I. Kusaka, and Z.-G. Wang, “Nucleation in polymers and soft matter“, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 65, 449-475 (2014).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Effects of image charges on double layer structure and forces“, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 124702 (2013).
- X. Xu, D. E. Cristancho, S. Costeaux, and Z.-G. Wang, “Bubble nucleation in polymer–CO2 mixtures“, Soft Matter 9, 9675-9683 (2013).
- Y.-Y. Lu, L.-J. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Intrinsic viscosity of polymers: General theory based on a partially permeable sphere model“, Macromolecules 46, 5731-5740 (2013).
- I. Nakamura, N. P. Balsara, and Z.-G. Wang, “First-order disordered-to-lamellar phase transition in lithium salt-doped block copolymers“, ACS Macro Lett. 2, 478-481 (2013).
- I. Nakamura and Z.-G. Wang, “Effects of dielectric inhomogeneity in polyelectrolyte solutions“, Soft Matter (Communication) 9, 5686-5690 (2013).
- X. Xu, D. E. Cristancho, S. Costeaux, and Z.-G. Wang, “Discontinuous bubble nucleation due to a metastable condensation transition in polymer–CO2 mixtures“, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 1639-1643 (2013).
- I. Nakamura, A.-C. Shi, and Z.-G. Wang, “Ion solvation in liquid mixtures: Effects of solvent reorganization“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 257802 (2012).
- B. Zhuang and Z.-G. Wang, “Anomalous concentration effects on phase behavior and nematic order in mixtures of side-chain liquid crystal polymers and low-molecular-weight liquid crystals“, Macromolecules 45, 6220-6229 (2012).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Theory of polymers in poor solvent: Phase equilibrium and nucleation behavior“, Macromolecules 45, 6266-6271 (2012).
- C. L. Ting and Z.-G. Wang, “Minimum free energy paths for a nanoparticle crossing the lipid membrane“, Soft Matter 8, 12066-12071 (2012).
- I. Nakamura and Z.-G. Wang, “Salt-doped block copolymers: Ion distribution, domain spacing and effective χ parameter“, Soft Matter 8, 9356-9367 (2012).
- X. Xu, D. E. Cristancho, S. Costeaux, and Z.-G. Wang, “Density-functional theory for polymer–carbon dioxide mixtures: A perturbed-chain SAFT approach“, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 054902 (2012).
- X. Xu, D. E. Cristancho, S. Costeaux, and Z.-G. Wang, “Density-functional theory for polymer carbon dioxide mixture“, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 51, 3832-3840 (2012).
- Y.-Y. Lu, T.-F. Shi, L.-J. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Intrinsic viscosity of polymers: From linear chains to dendrimers“, Europhys. Lett. 97, 64003 (2012).
- C. L. Ting, J. Wu, and Z.-G. Wang, “Thermodynamic basis for the genome to capsid charge relationship in viral encapsidation“, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 108, 16986-16991 (2011).
- C. L. Ting, D. Appelö, and Z.-G. Wang, “Minimum energy path to membrane pore formation and rupture“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 168101 (2011).
- C. L. Ting and Z.-G. Wang, “Interactions of a charged nanoparticle with a lipid membrane: Implications for gene delivery”, Biophys. J. 100, 1288-1297 (2011).
- I. Nakamura, N. P. Balsara, and Z.-G. Wang, “Thermodynamics of ion-containing polymer blends and block copolymers“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 198301 (2011).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Theory of side-chain liquid crystal polymers: Bulk behavior and chain conformation“, Macromolecules 43, 10096-10106 (2011).
- R. Wang and Z.-G. Wang, “Effects of ion solvation on phase equilibrium and interfacial tension of liquid mixtures“, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 014707 (2011).
- J.-Y. Guo, H.-J. Liang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Coil-to-globule transition by dissipative particle dynamics simulation“, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 244904 (2011).
- Y.-Y. Lu, T.-F. Shi, L.-J. An, L.-P. Jin, and Z.-G. Wang, “A simple model for the anomalous viscosity of dendrimers“, Soft Matter Communication 6, 2619-2622 (2010).
- N. S. Wanakule, J. M. Virgili, A. A. Teran, Z.-G. Wang, and N. P. Balsara, “Thermodynamic properties of block copolymer electrolytes containing imidazolium and lithium salts“, Macromolecules 43, 8282-8289 (2010).
- Z.-G. Wang, “Fluctuation in electrolyte solutions: The self energy“, Phys. Rev. E. 81, 021501 (2010).
- J.-F. Wang, K.-K. Guo, L.-J. An, M. Mueller, and Z.-G. Wang, “Micelles of coil–comb block copolymers in selective solvents: Competition of length scales“, Macromolecules 43, 2037-2041 (2010).
- Y.-B. Yang, Z.-Y. Sun, C.-L. Fu, L.-J. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Monte Carlo simulation of a single ring among linear chains: Structural and dynamic heterogeneity“, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 064901 (2010).
- J. Wang, M. Mueller, and Z.-G. Wang, “Nucleation in A/B/AB blends: Interplay between microphase assembly and macrophase separation“, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 154902 (2009).
- T. Jiang, Z.-G. Wang, and J. Wu, “Electrostatic regulation of genome packaging in human hepatitis B virus“, Biophys. J. 96, 3065-3073 (2009).
- C. L. Ting, D. Makarov, and Z.-G. Wang, “A kinetic model for the enzymatic action of cellulase“, J. Phys. Chem. B. 113, 4970-4977 (2009).
- Z. Li, J. Wu, and Z.-G. Wang, “Osmotic pressure and packaging structure of caged DNA“, Biophys. J. 94, 737-746 (2008).
- Z.-Q. Li, Z.-Y. Sun, L.-J. An, and Z.-G. Wang, “Heterogeneity in structurally arrested hard spheres“, Euro. Phys. Lett. 84, 26005 (2008).
- Z.-G. Wang, “Effects of ion solvation on the miscibility of binary polymer blends“, J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 16205-16213 (2008).
- Z.-G. Wang, “Variational electrostatics for charge solvation“, J. Theor. Comp. Chem. 7, 397-419 (2008).
- C.-Z. Zhang and Z.-G. Wang, “Nucleation of membrane adhesions“, Phys. Rev. E. 77, art. 021906 (2008).
- C.-Z. Zhang and Z.-G. Wang, “Polymer-tethered ligand-receptor interaction between surfaces. II“, Langmuir 23, 13024-13039 (2007).
- S. B. Hutchens and Z.-G. Wang, “Metastable cluster intermediates in the condensation of charged macromolecule solutions“, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 084912 (2007).
- J. E. Witman and Z.-G. Wang, “A lattice model of vitrification and gelation“, J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 6312-6324 (2006).
- J. I. Martin, C.-Z. Zhang, and Z.-G. Wang, “Polymer tethered ligand-receptor interaction between surfaces“, J. Poly. Sci. B. – Poly. Phys. 44, 2621-2637 (2006).
- C. Z. Zhang and Z.-G. Wang, “Random isotropic structures and possible glass transitions in diblock copolymer melts“, Phys. Rev. E 73, 031804 (2006).
- J. Cho and Z.-G. Wang, “A simple field-theoretic simulation method for compressible block copolymer systems“, Macromolecules 39, 4576-4584 (2006).
- Z.-G. Wang, “Area expansion and adsorption isotherm in protein binding to mixed lipid membranes“, Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res. 45, 5538-5547 (2006).
- Z.-G. Wang, “Challenges and opportunities in polymer theory“, J. Poly. Sci. B – Poly. Phys. 44, 3445-3447 (2006) (Invited viewpoint article for the APS Special Issue).
- J. F. Wang, Z.-G. Wang, and Y. L. Yang, “Nature of disordered micelles in sphere-forming block copolymer melts“, Macromolecule 38, 1979-1988 (2005).
- J. S. Bois, S. Venkataraman, H. M. T. Choi, A. J. Spakowitz, Z.-G. Wang, and N. A. Pierce, “Topological constraints in nucleic acid hybridization kinetics“, Nucleic Acid Res. 33, 4090-4095 (2005).
- A. J. Spakowitz and Z.-G. Wang, “DNA packaging in bacteriophage: Is twist important?“, Biophys. J. 88, 3912-3923 (2005).
- A. J. Spakowitz and Z.-G. Wang, “End-to-end distance vector distribution with fixed end orientations for the wormlike chain model“, Phys. Rev. E. 72, 041802 (2005).
- A. J. Spakowitz and Z.-G. Wang, “Exact results for a semiflexible polymer chain in an aligning field“, Macromolecules 37, 5814-5823 (2004).
- J. B. Endelman, J. J. Silberg, Z.-G. Wang, and F. H. Arnold, “Site-directed protein recombination as a shortest-path problem“, Protein Eng., Design & Selection 17, 589-594 (2004).
- Y. Bohbot-Raviv, T. M. Snyder, and Z.-G. Wang, “Reversible association of telechelic molecules: An application of graph theory“, Langmuir 20, 7860-7870 (2004).
- J. Wang, Z.-G. Wang, and Y. Yang, “Nucleation in binary polymer blends: Effects of foreign mesoscopic spherical particles“, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 1105-1113 (2004).
- J. Wang, H. Zhang, F. Qiu, Z.-G. Wang, and Y. Yang, “Nucleation in binary polymer blends: Effects of adding diblock copolymers“, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 8997-9006 (2003).
- A. J. Spakowitz and Z.-G. Wang, “Semiflexible polymer solutions. I. Phase behavior and single-chain statistics“, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 13113-13128 (2003).
- A. J. Spakowitz and Z.-G. Wang, “Semiflexible polymer confined to a spherical surface“, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 166102 (2003).
- S. M. Bhattacharyya, Z.-G. Wang, and A. H. Zewail, “Dynamics of water near a protein surface“, J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 13218-13228 (2003).
- M. M. Meyer, J. J. Silberg, C. A. Voigt, J. B. Endelman, S. L. Mayo, Z.-G. Wang, and F. H. Arnold, “Library analysis of SCHEMA-guided protein recombination“, Protein Sci. 12, 1686-1693 (2003).
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