Postdoctoral Scholars:
Alejandro Gallegos, assistant professor at New Mexico State University
Shensheng Chen, assistant professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Research Webpage
Sriteja Mantha, senior research scientist at Bosch
Yasemin Basdogan, assistant professor of chemical engineering at the University of Rochester, Research Webpage
Xuepeng Wang, now a lecturer at the Shenzhen University
Huikuan Chao, now senior research specialist at DOW. Profile Page.
Chang Yun Son, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at Seoul National University, South Korea. Research webpage.
Jian Jiang (JJ), professor at Chinese Academy of Science, China
Pengfei Zhang, professor at Center for Advanced Low-dimension Materials, Donghua University, China
Umi Yamamoto, senior research chemist at Toray Industries, Inc., Japan
Xiaofei Xu, associate professor of physics at Soochow University, China Profile webpage
Issei Nakamura, assistant professor of physics at Michigan Technological University Research webpage
Shelly Tzlil (co-advised by David Tirrell), assistant professor at Technion – Isreal Institute of Technology Research webpage
Bradley D. Olsen (co-advised by Julie Kornfield and David Tirrell), associate professor at MIT. Research webpage
Sariki M. Bhattacharyya, (co-advised by Ahmed Zewail), scientist at CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, India Research webpage
Yardena Bohbot-Raviv, research scientist at Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR), Israel
Panagiotis Dimitrakopoulos, (co-advised by John Brady), associate professor at University of Maryland Research webpage
Oleg Byuchek, (current affiliation unknown)
Jonathan V. Selinger, professor of physics and chemistry at Kent State University Profile webpage
Leonardo Golubovic, professor of physics at West Virginia University Profile webpage
Ph.D. Students:
Dorian Bruch, senior scientist at Siemens
Benjamin Ye, principal computational scientist at Northrop Grumman
Alec Glisman, senior scientist at Merck, Personal webpage
Chris Balzer, postdoctoral researcher at UC Santa Barbara, Personal webpage
Andrew Ylitalo, (co-advised by Julie Kornfield), computer vision/machine learning software engineer at Ceevra
Hyeongjoo Row, (co-advised by John Brady), postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley
Ahmad Omar, assistant professor of Material Science and Engineering at UC Berkeley Research webpage
Kevin Shen, AI Scientist and Solutions Architect at Noble AI
Bilin Zhuang, assistant professor of Chemistry, Harvey Mudd College Profile webpage
Rui Wang, assistant professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at UC Berkeley Research webpage
Christina Ting, senior member of technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories
Jenny Witman, (current affiliation unknown)
Cheng-Zhong Zhang, assistant professor of biomedical informatics at Harvard Medical School Profile webpage
Justin Bois, (co-advised by Niles Pierce), lecturer in biology and biological engineering at Caltech Profile webpage
Andrew Spakowitz, associate professor of chemical engineering at Stanford University Research webpage
Jeffrey Endelman, (co-advised by Frances Arnold), assistant professor of horticulture at University of Wisconsin-Madison Research webpage
Christopher Voigt, (co-advised by Frances Arnold), associate professor of biological engineering at MIT Research webpage
Shuyan Qi, senior firmware engineer at Silver Spring Networks
Jeremy Martin, senior scientist & fuels lead at Union of Concerned Scientists
Isamu Kusaka, (co-advised by John Seinfeld), associate professor of chemical engineering at Ohio State University Research webpage
Wei Zheng, model risk executive at U.S. Bank
M.S. Students:
Michael Choi, president and CEO of CodingDojo, a premier coding school
Stephen Wood, engineer at ExxonMobile
Visiting Scholars
Prof. Zengju Lian (Ningbo University, Ningbo, China)
Leying Qing (East China University of Science and Technology)